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Baby Alpaca - ein kleiner crash-kurs...

Baby Alpaca - ein kleiner crash-kurs...

“Hmmm - Wie kuschlig ist das, bitte?” Diese Reaktion sollten die Meisten von uns im Kontakt mit Baby Alpaka gemacht haben.
In den kommenden zwei Wochen “brummen” die Baby Alpakas, in verschiedenster Form, aus unseren Baby Boxen.


One child is no child - from one child to two

One child is no child - from one child to two

This entry is a personal account from Tez about what it was like for her to go from one child to two. Her son just turned one last week and as she was preparing birthday, Xmas presents and mini wishes she remembered what it was like exactly this time last year.


Welcome to our Blog - Hi, I´m Livia

Welcome to our Blog - Hi, I´m Livia

However, what I also learned is to enjoy the moment! - even if it’s not perfect, or I missed Yoga class or didn’t shower or missed the first meeting - there are those surprising moments with our child which are so much fun and infinite love.
